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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 24, 2013
Hi everyone. I joined this site with the hopes of learning more about how to take care I my little guy better. He's a betta and seems to get fin rot at the drop of a hat. I finally had it cured so I decided to get him a betta bed and changed the filter cartridge in my tank. Right after that a film appeared on the surface of the water and his fin rot started coming back. Im scared to sneeze in the direction of the tank. He's so fragile an sensitive. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears. :)
Did you rinse the filter cartridge before putting it in? What type of cartridge is it? Have you got a heater in the tank and what size tank is it?
Did you rinse the filter cartridge before putting it in? What type of cartridge is it? Have you got a heater in the tank and what size tank is it?

Oh crap I did not rinse the cartridge out before putting it in. I do have a heater. The tank is a 10 gallon tank. When I get home today I will rinse out the cartridge and see if that helps.
If the cartridge has carbon in it, that can cause a film on the tank. If it's just a plain cartridge (foam or filter floss type) you don't have to rinse it.
You really don't need carbon filters unless you are removing meds.
I had a foam filter once but the jet stream was so strong that my fish his in one corner of the tank. I've heard good things about the aqua clear. Quiet and non carbon. I think I will switch.
I had a foam filter once but the jet stream was so strong that my fish hid in one corner of the tank. I've heard good things about the aqua clear. Quiet and non carbon. I think I will switch.
Auto correct is messing with my spelling again lol thank you for your help
I had a foam filter once but the jet stream was so strong that my fish his in one corner of the tank. I've heard good things about the aqua clear. Quiet and non carbon. I think I will switch.

I love my Aquaclears. I have two 70's and four 50's. Great filters!
55 gallon with three Leopard Ctenepoma's and soon to have three African Clawed Frogs.

55 gallon with a (small) school of Cardinal Tetras (getting more as soon as I get the ich the last batch brought in cleared up), guppies, a Honey Gourami, a Betta, 2 YoYo Loaches (getting more as soon as I can) and some Ghost Shrimp.

20 Long with three Platies (two female Sunset Wags and a male Red) and the African Clawed Frogs (growing them out in this tank - they are still very small), three Apple Snails, three Cherry Shrimp.

10 gallon QT tank with the cardinals that brought in the ich, and some MTS.

I actually have MTS in all the tanks and plan to sell some of them soon.
Wow! That's awesome! So many fishy's and various creatures all in the same place. Good for you. I can barely keep my little betta alive and it's only been 2 months haha I'm determined to make it work.
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