Hi Im New here and wanted you guys to check out this video

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 24, 2008
Hi i want to become friends with all ya
and there is a serious problem with my tengallon top i see these little critters here is the video link to it
Please let me know what it is and how to get rid of them or it
There on a plant top wich i now removed:)
i dont know what it is ]
link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heHJS3pp138
It's hard to tell from the video... probably larvae from some kind of insect in your house. I have the little fruit fly looking things really bad right now.
is that good i cannot see them at the bot of the tank looking up i cannot see little pokes in water and the dots are yellow hopping around will they get big and is it really larvae:bowl:
:eek:If they will infect me i want theme gone!!!!
They Look like they hard little bittylegs on them lots of them
It appears that they are mearly on the surface of the water and not in the water, if this is the case they are just some sort of bug that was already around and is probably attracted by the water and live plants. I wouldn't worry too much and let your fish enjoy the easy snack.

If not, then a description to go along with the video would be very helpful.
It looks to be a type of water flea. I have had what looks just like that before. They came with some plants I ordered online.

Moving about a dozen guppy's into that tank for a month cleared the tank of them and I have not seen them since.
Most insect larvae become quick snacks in a stocked tank. Should be nothing to worry about.

Just for due diligence though,

How often do you perform water changes?
Do you know the parameters of your water? (Amonnia, Nitratites, Nitrates, PH, Temp)
The tank is 10 gallons, how many fish and what kinds are in it?
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