Hiding Fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 29, 2004
Orlando FL
60 Gal
pH 7.2
Amonia 0
Temp 70
Filtration Magnum 350
25% Water change 1/5 yesterday
25% Water change 1/6 today
2 large Orandas 1 male 1 female
1 clown pelco
Once a friendly and lively fish is now hiding and scared of me...She mostly hides under a log during the day and only comes out to eat. Male was removed from the tank two weeks ago to treat a fungal infection.
rich311k said:
Aren't goldfish semisocial? I would think that is the problem as well.

Lord knows mine aren't LOL. As soon as my hands are in the tank,they all rub against my hand, I swear they want to be petted! You mean to tell me that isn't normal? LOL, I have even got nutty fish!
That is what I meant. They like other goldfish around. They are happier in groups. By the way i am not infer your hand is a goldfish.
Generally she swims to me and gets in my hand when cleaning and feeding...now when she sees me she hides. Wierd
Maybe she is mad a me for removing the male. He has a few more days in quaranteen then he can go back home.
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