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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 12, 2014

I have a Hillstream Loach in a cold water tank, He's doing well and likes to eat the Natural Algae on the tank glass so I let it develop but keep it under control as I only have one Loach at the moment and the algae has only just developed. I was wondering what else I could offer him to eat, I have tried algae wafers but he seems to not really touch them and prefers cleaning the glass. I tried some cucumber but not sure if he touched it as I left a bit in overnight. I was told they were nocturnal but im not sure this is true, as my hillstream Loach I see more during the day he's up and down sucking the glass then on his fav Skull ornament and much more active. In the eve he hides down side of the filter to sleep and in the morning when I turn the lights on he comes out to go on his Skull. Since he doesn't really seem that bothered with his algae wafers I don't know what else to give him, but I don't like the idea of him just relying on any natural algae to develop in the tank over time. Any other ideas on what I can feed him. I have bloodworms and shrimps on hand, as I have a black moor and oranda so I could hide some in the haunted house for him see if he like that. The fancies cant access this only the Loach can fit in it. He's in a 40 gallon with the two fancies I have the filter set up high on 570phr got an ehiem pickup 2012 with air diffusor with lovely breakage of water on surface to keep oxygen levels high. I am thinking of getting another hillstream loach so he has a friend. I think theres room in the tank. Its 40gallons that would be two goldis and two hillstream.

so food idea for hillstream please.
Put smooth rounded aquarium safe rocks in shallow dish of water in a sunny window. Grow algae :)

Rapashy makes great gel diets that my friends' loaches LOVE !!!

No they aren't nocturnal.

Loaches Online forum has more info.
Hey i would try maybe feeding those sinking pellets meant for bottom feeders i had one and he LOVED them but since hillstream loaches need PRISTINE and well OXYGENATED water with the goldfish there they might just make too much ammonia killing the loaches as if you bought another one it would contribute to more ammonia i would rather upgrade to a 55 gallon or more soon as the fancies need atleast 20 gallons each and for the loaches preferably 10 gallons each
Hey i would try maybe feeding those sinking pellets meant for bottom feeders i had one and he LOVED them but since hillstream loaches need PRISTINE and well OXYGENATED water with the goldfish there they might just make too much ammonia killing the loaches as if you bought another one it would contribute to more ammonia i would rather upgrade to a 55 gallon or more soon as the fancies need atleast 20 gallons each and for the loaches preferably 10 gallons each

Hi I have brought some of those pellets funny enough yesterday. I don't really know what to do, cause the only other option I have is to put him in a 22.4 gallon tank with 4danios,3minnows, 2platys which I was going to make into a Tropical tank. But I could leave it coldwater if its better for the Loach. I don't really have room for a bigger tank or a third 20gallon tank that's another 3fter. I wasn't told much about the Loach at the LFS and guess they just look for sales. I was told goldies need 20gallons for first then 10 gallons each fish after so if I have 40gallons that's 20 and 10 for fancies and 10 for Loach. Perhaps I just cant get him a friend. Seem a sad though Do you think I could put him in with the Temperate fish ?
Neither of your tanks is ideal for your Loach.

They like cool fast CLEAN water.

Their requirements don't match your other fish.

Either rehome the Goldfish or the Loach IMHO.
I have 4 hillstream loaches and 7 minnows in a 20g tank with powerful (for 40g) airstone pump and filter. They all love the stronger current. My loaches eat natural algae but never have much as tank position but they eat sinking pellets, algae wafers and sinking mini balls. I put their food on top of theor fav places so can find easy. Also gonna trt cucumber and kale leaves as suppose to like

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They also need meatier foods such as bloodworm, daphnia, brineshrimp and perhaps finely.chopped prawn.
They also need meatier foods such as bloodworm, daphnia, brineshrimp and perhaps finely.chopped prawn.

Hi have been putting some brimeshrimp and bloodworms in his fav hiding place. I feel it better to feed him during the day is this correct as I have been told to feed at night but every morning wafer is untouched. He doesn't seem to touch the pellets either.
Neither of your tanks is ideal for your Loach.

They like cool fast CLEAN water.

Their requirements don't match your other fish.

Either rehome the Goldfish or the Loach IMHO.

I got the Hillstream Loach from pets at home. I feel in my coldwater tank with my fancies he would have better chance of a good life than going back there. The only space I have in my flat for another tank is on my balcony which is completely covered in, its more like a glass room. The sun wouldn't touch a tank if positioned under the windows. I have power sockets out there(for a filter and a powerhead and bubbles machines. Would this be too cold for Loaches. As only space in flat I would have to put a Hillstream species only tank.
Hi have been putting some brimeshrimp and bloodworms in his fav hiding place. I feel it better to feed him during the day is this correct as I have been told to feed at night but every morning wafer is untouched. He doesn't seem to touch the pellets either.

During the day is fine, they aren't nocturnal. Many people think they are algae eaters, but they eat a varied mix of algae, insect larvae, crusraceans etc. In the wild they live in very fast moving water and will shoot out into the flow to grab passing food items. They don't often live as long as they should in caprivity because few people reproduce the correct conditions for them.
I only keep one species of Hillstream Loach these days, Red Lizard Loaches. There tends to be debate about Hillstream loaches in general being herbivores or omnivores. Most in that family are herbivores but will often accept other foods. Besides having rocks with algae available I also have found mine eat New Era Plec Pellets, which are meant for all bottom feeders (they are soft and the Red Lizards love them). I use Repashy powdered foods that make a gel using both algae formulas mixed together. Mine also love these... Herbivore Fish Foods: TetraVeggie Algae Wafers eXtreme.
During the day is fine, they aren't nocturnal. Many people think they are algae eaters, but they eat a varied mix of algae, insect larvae, crusraceans etc. In the wild they live in very fast moving water and will shoot out into the flow to grab passing food items. They don't often live as long as they should in caprivity because few people reproduce the correct conditions for them.


My Hillstream Loach is in a 40gallon tank with two fancy goldfish. I got him without doing research doh!! ay. I've had him for just under a month. I have feed him algae wafers, bloodworms, shrimp, sinking pellets, cucumber and have never ever seen him physically eat anything expect the natural algae that grows on tank. He seems to love sucking up the sides of the tank and the smooth Skull ornament i have. It's his fav. He seems healthy out during the day goes behind filter at night same spot every eve. I am thinking although i lack space already have two 3ft plus tanks of getting him a species only tank. What size tank would be ideal for him? I heard they are happier with at least 1 companion. I ideally would love to keep him in the 40gallon with fancies as space wise i dont have room really for another Large tank. I'm just worried long term as so many replies say he shouldnt be with my fancies. Any ideas how i could help create good conditions as best as poss for all so they can stay in same tank. With idea to get hillstream a companion. Or realistically do i have no option but to get him a species only tank?
Neither of your tanks is ideal for your Loach.

They like cool fast CLEAN water.

Their requirements don't match your other fish.

Either rehome the Goldfish or the Loach IMHO.

Rehomeing my Black Moor and Oranda isnt an option. But i would also be concerned at rehomeing Loach back to pets at home!! Do you know the minium tank requirement for a couple of Hillstream Loach as i think my only option is to get a species only tank. I really dont know where to put it. If they like really cool water could i put him on my outerrooom its a kind of covered over balcony like an extra room on my flat but it is cooler out there and tank would be underwindow so not in direct sunlight. Or would it be too cold. Any suggestions
Hi just an update on my Hillstream Loach. I have had him about a month now and not once have I ever seen him eat. I have put bloodworms, brineshrimp, peas, cucumber, brockley, sinking catfish pellets for bottomfeeders, algae wafers. HE NEVER GO TO ANY OF THE FOOD I DROP IN. I don't know what his living on. Although he likes the natural algae that develops on the fishtank walls
Hi just an update on my Hillstream Loach. I have had him about a month now and not once have I ever seen him eat. I have put bloodworms, brineshrimp, peas, cucumber, brockley, sinking catfish pellets for bottomfeeders, algae wafers. HE NEVER GO TO ANY OF THE FOOD I DROP IN. I don't know what his living on. Although he likes the natural algae that develops on the fishtank walls

My friend's Loaches favor Repashy or natural algae grown on smooth rocks in a shallow pan of water in a sunny window.
I looked on Amazon for this Rapeshy gel but im not sure which one to buy as they had , vegetable one , one for terrapins, superfood one, insect one. There didn't seem to be any thing for Loaches specifically and my local aquatic centre doesn't sell Rapeshy gels and I doubt very much Pets at home does.
Going to get some Aquarium safe rocks and try the growing my own algae for him. My Loach is doing fine with the two fancy goldfish. I am going to upgrade my filter very soon, as I have one at 200 max phr and the tank is about 190 litres 40gallons so I feel that will be good for all.
Just gave mine zucchini. Omg they going nutty for it. They hsd cucumber before and enjoyed that but they love this

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As far as I know hill streams eat the life that grows on algae and some natural algae. I tried lots of manufactured food with no real result. I got sick of scooping out wasted food, even with mini portions it looked untouched.
Now I fertilise rocks with plant food?:confused:

Diatoms/aufwuchs (grow naturally over time)

It's been 2/3 months with zero food, if anything the fish look better than they did. Definitely the most bizarre fish I've kept so far.(y)

(I'm no expert, I got my first ones dec13)

I have given up on my quest to feed them actual meals! Keep nitrate low, the slightest increase sees them off-colour. Otherwise the behaviour is certainly worth the effort, currently I have 3 species, they all seem similar as far as care goes. (They were sold as one species but they are not the same fish)

I will be getting more.
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