hippo tang with spots

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 26, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Hi, I've had my hippo tang for about 2 months now and he has started to show some spots on him lately, and just yesterday my royal gramma got some spots on him too. I have been using a product called KICK-ICH, which hasn't seemed to work to well. I'm just wondering if I should take out all of my fish, put them in a quarantine tank and treat with copper. I have a flame angel and 2 clowns also! If that seems like a good idea how long should I keep them there and will those parasites live on my cleaner shrimp or my anenome or corals in the main tank? Thanks in advance for any help!
I would stop the Kick-Ich, it is not a useful product IMHO. Most people on here would tell you if the spots are starting to spread, qet everyone in QT and treat. Are they still eating? I have had them get ick and kick it in a few days if the fish are healthy and eating otherwise. But the general opinion would be get them out and get them treated. Keep them in qt for 4-6 weeks, long enough for the life cycle of the parasite to die off.

I'm just wondering if I should take out all of my fish, put them in a quarantine tank and treat with copper.
That would be the way to go. Get all the fish out and leave the inverts. They are not hosts for the parasite. Leave the main tank void of fish for 6 weeks+, this way the parasites will go through their life cycle and die off. Also turn the heat up it the tank to 83-84 degees, this will speed up the life cycle a bit.
Let us know if you have any questions and good luck.
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