HOB tank filter suggestions.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 17, 2018
i have a 5.5 gal, a 10 gal, and a 29 gal tank and i want filters for all of them. nothings in the 5.5 gal or 29 gal theyre not even set up, the 10 gal has a tetra whisper 10i and is going to have 6-9 neon tetras in it. id like a higher quality filter cause im not a fan of the tetra cartridges and and id like to use better media
Go Aquaclear.
The best HOB period. I own and run over 40...
I run the 20 on my 5g and the 30 on my 20 and 30g tanks.
They hold the most media ,are easily cleaned [no need for replacement cartridges] and have the flexability for you to arrange media as you choose.
I usually order mine from Kensfish if no one has them cheaper.
Go Aquaclear.
The best HOB period. I own and run over 40...
I run the 20 on my 5g and the 30 on my 20 and 30g tanks.
They hold the most media ,are easily cleaned [no need for replacement cartridges] and have the flexability for you to arrange media as you choose.
I usually order mine from Kensfish if no one has them cheaper.

thats what i was looking at. i also want the capability to swap out media to cycle tanks faster
Go Aquaclear.
The best HOB period. I own and run over 40...
I run the 20 on my 5g and the 30 on my 20 and 30g tanks.
They hold the most media ,are easily cleaned [no need for replacement cartridges] and have the flexability for you to arrange media as you choose.
I usually order mine from Kensfish if no one has them cheaper.

#Endorsed I love Aquaclears. (y)
ACs for me too. Still have several lg Penguins inherited with tanks that I am slowly replacing as they die or budget allows[emoji57]. With 7 tanks 50g+ and double everything on them the fish budget is stretched to it's limit most of the time [emoji11]
ACs for me too. Still have several lg Penguins inherited with tanks that I am slowly replacing as they die or budget allows[emoji57]. With 7 tanks 50g+ and double everything on them the fish budget is stretched to it's limit most of the time [emoji11]

im probably gonna go with ACs. just gotta decide when to get them
Go Aquaclear.
The best HOB period. I own and run over 40...
I run the 20 on my 5g and the 30 on my 20 and 30g tanks.
They hold the most media ,are easily cleaned [no need for replacement cartridges] and have the flexability for you to arrange media as you choose.
I usually order mine from Kensfish if no one has them cheaper.

ACs for me too. Still have several lg Penguins inherited with tanks that I am slowly replacing as they die or budget allows[emoji57]. With 7 tanks 50g+ and double everything on them the fish budget is stretched to it's limit most of the time [emoji11]

#Endorsed I love Aquaclears. (y)

so i got the aquaclear 20 cause my local aquatics store had it on sale for $20 i couldnt resist. now my question is, the tank isnt cycled yet so what should i do? can i start running this filter or will it mess the cycling up?
i read online to put some filter media in with the new filter and on the tetra filters alls i had to work with was a tiny sponge so i added that into the AC but until i get confirmation that thats enough im just going to run the two alongside eachother
You are on the right track with the sponge. You can also cut up the existing cartridge and put it into the new filter (over the sponge and under the biomedia; omit the carbon bag).
You are on the right track with the sponge. You can also cut up the existing cartridge and put it into the new filter (over the sponge and under the biomedia; omit the carbon bag).

alright, ill do that tomorrow. how long until i can take the old cartridge out and replace it with the carbon bag it came with? also whats the maintenance like on these, like how often do you have to replace the media and/or clean it etc
If your tank isn't cycled I wouldn't worry about the media at this point. Just use what it came with. You will be running it for a month or better before it's cycled anyways. The old filter you had may have contained a bit of beneficial bacteria but no more than what your gravel or decorations are holding right now. Just roll with what you bought and focus on completing your cycle.
alright, ill do that tomorrow. how long until i can take the old cartridge out and replace it with the carbon bag it came with? also whats the maintenance like on these, like how often do you have to replace the media and/or clean it etc

Assuming the tank is cycled already, I would keep the old cartridge in there at least a month. I would not worry about using the carbon unless you are trying to adsorb medications or toxins out of the water; water changes do a better job at diluting and removing dissolved waste.
As for maintenance, every few weeks you can remove the foam and bagged ceramic media and swish it around in a bucket of old tank water that was removed during a water change. This should remove most of the trapped debris. The sponges last a very LONG time so you won’t need to replace it for quite a while. I cant say I have ever replaced the ceramic media.
Personally, I use bulk floss instead of the foam because it does a better job at trapping debris. Once a month I either rinse the floss and reuse it or I chuck it and replace it.
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