How about Halogen lights??

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 21, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
Just curious, has anyone used or thought of constructing a light hood with Halogen lights??? :idea: This can't be a good idea because I've never seen it anywhere. Do they get too hot? We use them at work and they are burning all day no problem.

I am not a technical lighting guy, I think they would fail to produce the correct spectrum. Color would be way off.
I would think if you can get bulbs 6500k or higher they would work, but as far as I know halogen bulbs are all in the 3000k range.
I asked this same question a while ago and everyone told me it wouldnt work because they are not cost effective, they are in the red spectrum which isnt good, and they will get so hot you will need a huge chiller to cool your water off.

They are bright enough but, not in a good way.
Main problems:

1. wrong color spectrum
2. relatively inefficient (only slightly better than regular incandescent, nowhere near fluorescent or MH)
My dad is in construction, and they left a halogen light on next to a plate of glass and it shattered the glass!
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