How did u break your first bone?

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Here is my worst bone break
I was playing soccer for my high school, as I was training, I had to save a ball from going out of bounds, so I just dived and kicked it back in, but I forgot that the pole was there, and bam! I hit my foot so hard, you could hear it crack.
The next day I went to the doctor, she said that my foot was just bruised
Well, it wasn't, I wore shoes and went up ladders, acted normal for three weeks, until I couldn't take it, I went to a different doctor, made an x-ray, and said I have been walking with four broken toes for three weeks:(
I cracked my right wrist. Growing up, we had one of those old fashioned slides in the back yard. It was just the main ladder&the slide, no supports of any kind. I thought it would be cool to sit on the slide with my legs over the side of the slide, not inside. I went down, lost my balance and landed on my wrist. I went to the hospital, got a cast and it still hurts every once in a while.

I've also broken my toe playing a pickup game of soccer. I kicked the ball square on and felt my toe snap. I knew it was broken but played on. Later that night, I took my shoe off and my sock was covered in blood. I didn't go to the hospital and it healed on it's own.
I broke my collarbone when I was 14, the horse i was riding decided to throw me off! Not thinking i had damaged myself i got back on and rode it to the stables. Went home sat for over an hour my mum asked why i was rubbing my shoulder told her what happened so she looked her face went white my bone had pierced through the skin, straight to casualty for me were my mum spent the whole time with her face in a sick bowl :)

Had my share of horse-related injuries (minor things such as broken fingers and toes, fractured arm, vertebra, etc) but I think the worst was about 8years ago. I was taking a my sisters mare to a breeder four hours away and had spent two hours (and a lot of ace) trying to get her on a trailer. Finally, finally had her on and she freaked. She reared smashing her head into the trailer roof consequently knocking herself down....on top of me. Blacked out momentarily and knew something was very wrong but she was on the trailer so I grimacingly climbed in my truck and hit the road. When I finally got home (many hours later), I told my husband to take me to the ER because I was in so much pain. Well, she had broken most of my ribs and I had some internal bruising. Broken ribs are by far the most painful broken bone I have ever experienced!! You can't breath, laugh, talk, cough, sneeze or move your arms without passing out. Does not even remotely compare to the two bones I broke in my foot last summer. ;)
Oh my goodness that sucks!
my old horse picked a fight with a nasty mare one day and I was kicked in the shoulder. I cried about it for like two days, I couldn't imagine one landing on me. It's a good thing the broken ribs were all you received.
Lol, the ER drs jaw dropped when i explained why I was there. He didn't say anything for what seemed like forever then asked me to explain why I didn't call 911 immediately. I told him he had to be horse person to understand...she was on the trailer and I could still breath and move (barely) so there were more important things that had to come first!
Haha yup, horses come first, access the injuries later. Worst that came out of my experience was a bruise down my left side of my body when she was kicking backwards and on top of my foot, I didn't even feel that one. Thank God for steeltoed boots, they have saved me more than once.
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