How do I add photos to the Photo Gallery?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2002
To add photos to the photo galley please click on the photo gallery link above. You may have to login to the photo gallery. If so use your username and password you use on this site to do so. Once you do you will see a link that says "Upload Photos".

When uploading your photos we ask that you chose the correct gallery to place your individual photos in. For example if your uploading a general photo of your tank then pick either the "Member Saltwater Tanks and Systems" or "Member Freshwater or Brackish Tanks and Systems". If your uploading a photo of a specific fish then select the gallery that best fits the type of fish your uploading.

We ask that you do this so our gallery can be used not only as a place to store photos you want to share but also as a way of allowing visitors to see photos of specific types of fish or types of tanks.

Each photo you upload will automatically be added to your member gallery so don't feel you have to select Member Galleries as a category.

Each member can upload a limit of 1MB of photos to the gallery. SHould you need more space we ask that you make a small donation to the website. Those who have made a donation will receive a total of 4MB of storage in the photo album.

All photo uploads must be approved before they appear. The approval process is very simple and quick. If we are online it should take just a matter of minutes before your photo has been approved and is displayed in the gallery.
To enhance what fishfreek has posted, I decided to do a step by step with graphics :D

To upload photos...
1) From any page on Aquarium click the Photo Gallery link in the navigation bar in the header...

2) Once your at the Gallery, click the link in the navigation bar that says, "Upload Photos"

3) This will bring you to the upload panel. First, choose a catagory for your photo, I am uploading a pic of a SPS coral, so I choose Individual Photos>Saltwater and Reef Aquarium Photos>Corals and Anemones>SPS corals


4) Locate the picture on your hard drive, ie; direct the gallery where to get the pic from on your computer...



5) Give your photo a title, if you leave the field blank, it will use the file name...

6) Give your photo a few keywords for a search, if this field is left blank it will use the title

7) Give a brief description of your photo tell others what's going on in the pic, if you wish...

8) Indicate your tank size, if you wish...

9) Indicate whether you wish to be notified of any replys/comments to your photo, by default it is set to know, if you want to know when someone posts a will have to set it to yes.

10) This is what your screen should look like...

11) Hit the submit button at the bottom of the screen...

You have just uploaded a photo. At this time the photo will not be immediatly visible in the gallery, we have it set that all photos must be approved by Aaron or me. This is not because we are getting nasty pics uploaded to the site, but so we can make sure the photos are placed in the proper catagory. We get lots that are just uploaded to your member gallery.
Yes, When your looking at a photo you uploaded you should see just about the comments and ratings screen an area where you can either select to delete or move the photo to a different category.

Your photos where moved to the approprate category when they where approved. By default all images you upload will be visable in your member gallery so you dont have to put them there to have them show up.
Lol, this does not work for me. The pics I'm trying to upload are 90KB in size each. Only 2 of them.

I don't get a 'description' field, nor do I get a 'photo description field'. Doesn't ask me tank size, either.

I also don't get a "confirmation" that my photo was sent...Just a blank web page, with no writing on it.

On sunday you attempted to upload images that where either greater than the max file size allowed 250KB or where larger than the maximum image dimentions. I have removed all 4 of the imaages that you had 'stuck' and you may try again with images that fit within those peramiters.
stupid goes...i've scanned a couple of pics to my desktop and they are over a MB in size! can i shrink them down so they take up less space?...
You can shrink it down with any photo editing software program. :wink:

Do you have any available too you? I am not sure of what free ones may be available online, butI guess it is worth a check.
I feel silly now...Not five minutes after posting here i stumbled onto the post that goes through it step-by-step...oops :oops:
lovemybarbs said:
I uploaded about five or six a few days ago, but they never showed up.
All uploads have been approved and there are non sitting in limbo in your user upload folder.

How big where the images. What file type where they? Images can have many different file types and we support a limited number.
This is the first time I've tried this, so I'm not surprised I did something wrong.

JPEG Image

2.48 MB (2,607,448 bytes)

Forget it. I used photobucket. Thanks for your help.
Oh my! There is no way we would ever permit a 2+MB image to be uploaded. That would take most users minutes to download just to view. Thats about 10X the size of our max upload of 250KB. Please check some of the posts in this forum on how to resize your images as there is very little need to be working with that size of an image for these purposes.

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