How do I feed without overfeeding??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 18, 2014
HELP... My "little pig" of a dwarf gourami eats 90% of the food so the other fish get nothing!
I was using flake food & sinking shrimp pellets but having to overfeed so that everyone could get something. Doing this caused pour water quality and filthy gravel. So I tried something called "crisps" (like flake food but highly concentrated so you use ALOT less to reduce overfeeding) but he literally eats everyone's portion no matter the different ways I try. Next was bloodworms... works a little better but I still have to dump too many in (at least they don't pollute like the fakes). He eats so much so quickly that I'm afraid he is going to explode!

(Tank mates are: 1" Angel & Leaf fish, 2 baby corys, bumblebee catfish, & 4 ghost shrimp)
Since you have ghost shrimps and corys, you could somehow relax since they are great scavengers! It's fun to watch them busy frolicking around the tank :)


Cory's do well in a group of 6 or more. I've read somewhere that 4 is the real minimum. But anyway, if you want to keep them longterm, I think you have to add some more cory.They are very sociable.


that will help you with overfeeding. More cory's=more cleanup crew.

But the problem is, what size is your tank? If you have an angelfish then I'm guessing it's quite large?And what type of cory do you have?

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