how do u get rid of red algae and bubble algae?

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fish geek

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 17, 2004
anchorage alaska
is there any good ways of getting rid of red slimy algae and bubble algae before it gets out of hand? red algae is growing rapidly on my crushed coral and now starting to grow on my rocks.
Be sure your tank's levels of nitrate and phosphate are undetectable. If you are not using RO or DI water, consider finding a source of RO/DI and switching. Cutting back on the time your lights are on may help some but IMO will not solve the problem. The algae is feeding on excess nutrients in your tank, the cause is to find the source of these nutrients and eliminate them, thus the algae consumes all the nutrients and then starves and dies off. Be sure you are not overfeeding. If you have a phosphate problem, try running a phosphate remover in your filter. You can also set up a refuge in which you grow macroalgaes that will compete with the nuisance algaes in the main tank for nutrients. Once the macroalgaes get growing, harvest them back every so often to remove nutrients.
Post some detailed info about your tank and you'll get some more specific help. HTH
Like Brad said, measure your phosphate. Use a phosphate remover to remove your phosphate and silica. Is this a new tank? If so, the red algaes will eventually die off once the nutrients are exhausted. Do you have any PH? Having good water circulation will also reduce the algae build up. I had the same problem about a month or two ago, and I used Rowa Phos to reduce the nutrients. I also added two Maxijet 900s to improve circulation. This also reduces the cayno algae.

I say put one emerald crab in your tank. That should sort out you bubble algae. Mine works so hard. But they also eat your coralline algae as well. I guess you can't have it all. :D
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