How is Kent Reef Starter Kit Compared to Purple-Up?

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I was just wondering what other people use for calium and other Chemicals. Suppilys I got Kent But it seems to be really small bottles.
What do you want to accomplish by adding suppliments? What is your current CA at?
IMO, people new to the hobby should not even own small bottles of anything. Water changes will accomplish all you need to do.
For example...I do not dose anything. I just do 10% water changes per week on a 55 gallon tank. True, I do not have any sps or clams. Anyways...using IO salt and water changes I am able to keep my Ca at 380 and Alk at 10.
i thought purple- up just increase the grow of coraline algae, doesn't really do much to ur ca lvl. maybe i am wrong?
Heres a solution: I recommend

DONT add anything to your tank you cant test for.. Calcium levels will only go down if you have corals.. Coraline will come in time. Patients is key..
Ok I was reading the Side of the Purple up and it said it added CA. So I was thinking with the snails and coral I needed the Ca and IOdine. So Just do water Changes will do it?
In general, regular water changes with a good quality salt will be all you need to maintain appropriate levels of Ph, CA, ALK and trace elements. Outside of a few situations there is really not reason to add suppliments. Most of time it is the LFS that benefits from selling you these, not your tank.
What should I be giving the Polps to eat? I thought I did not need all these chemicals.
What kind of polys? You are now talking about two different issues: water chemistry vs. feeding. Your polys will need light, as well as some meaty foods like krill or mysis. Cyclpo-eeze will also be beneficial.
I was giving ChromaPlex for the Fish shop. They are all green when they open. They are Green ZOANTHIDS. Sorry about Cap got it from Ebay. Should I be using this Chromaplex? I have frozen Brine Shrimps to.
I have never used either but read that purple up is just Ca and buffer. As stated earlier do not add anything you do not test for.
button polyps? If thats what you dont have to feed them
You do not have to feed them directly. They still do require food. They will get what they need from the water collum at feeding time.
No, the only thing you need to do is regular water changes. This will be just fine for almost any SW tank. Save your money.
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