how long until a crayfish outside a tank starts sticking?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 30, 2002
I left for 48 hours and now can't find my crayfish

I figure it's not in the 5 gallon tank

A cruel way of finding out would be to see if the betta (in a cage) were to be let out

also after 48 hours of no light , i staill have algae - so he MIGHT be in there

wadday think, folks?

sorry for the typo



Go Eagles!!!!!!
Stinking, I thought so...

Many years ago, I brought home leftover live crayfish (bait) from a fishing outing. I decided to slap them in a tank with an old corner box filter, and use them the next weekend. Needless to say about 8 of them climbed up the air hose and escaped. Discovered this by my dog barking his head off at 4 am. He had a crayfish cornered in another room. After much searching, 4 were discovered still alive, 3 or 4 were missing. All live ones returned to a local creek as soon as it was light. My mom (I was still living with the folks at the time) was totally and utterly freaked out!

Anyway, it was summer and the missing crayfish started to stink in 2-3 days or so. they found some very tight places to go and die.It was pretty sinky too. Stupid dog wasn't much help either.

Good luck with your crawdaddy, ramrebel. :(

thanx for the sympathy

the drag is that he was a nice blue one (AND COST $20) ARGH

now i have a 5 gallon betta tank

can I put anything in with a betta?

I am sorry to hear about your crayfish escaping. Have you found him yet?

I think the reason mine doesn't get out of my 55 gallon tank is because it is deep and it was prepared for climbing critters. Before I got the crayfish, I had fiddler and red claw crabs (one of each). I would often find them hanging from the back of the fish tank or in my whisper filter. I caught one running across the living room. So I placed the air tub I had through a hole in the corner of the back cover so if they climb up it they couldn't go anywhere. Then I shortened the intake tube for the filter and moved my high rock formations way from the filters intake tube.

Do you know how the crayfish got out? I would think you should be able to fix your 5 gallon tank so that a crayfish couldn't escape. Then you could get another one.

You can put other fish with a betta. I would recommend only a few and preferable only those classified as community and no tiger barbs or other fish known to be fin nippers.

I would be more specific but I've had bad luck with Bettas and I think it is because I always had at least two tiger barbs in the tank. Since I like tiger barbs, I've opted to not get Bettas for now.
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