How many fish should i add at a time???

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 7, 2012
When my 30g long is done cycling, (fishin) I was planning on adding fish in this order.
3 tiger barbs ( already have 2 in there)
4 false Julii cories
3 more tiger barbs
I would add the two tiger barbs to finish out their school, then add the cories, which you will need atleast 5 of since they are a schooling fish as well. What I found helped me was I added some cycled media that I got from my LFS. When I added my angelfish I got a huge cartridge from LFS, it came out of a filter that was like a 50g filter, I started with two platys, then added the big cartridge and added my angel, and I never had a mini cycle, then 4 cories still no mini cycle then added 5 giant danios, still no mini cycle, then added my last fish which was an albino pleco and haven't had a mini cycle to speak of.
I'd add all the tiger barbs you want first wait a few days to a week the bio load on them isn't too large so you BB should catch up fairly quickly, then add in the cories at least 5 since they enjoy the company, again give the BB at least 4 - 7 days to catch up with the bio load then you can add the BN into the tank then sit back and enjoy.

I used this system forever and it's worked out for me with no issues never had any spikes in the water parameters I've also found that it gives the fish time to adjust to their new environment and each other by introducing smaller groups into the tank.
I try not to introduce more then 6 fish at a time depending on size and species my rare exception are neon tetras I'll put 12 at a time in the tank since they tend to do better in larger groups and their bio load is fairly small, rainbow fish or any fish 2" or more I try to only put 3 in at a time.
Evilgrin said:
I'd add all the tiger barbs you want first wait a few days to a week the bio load on them isn't too large so you BB should catch up fairly quickly, then add in the cories at least 5 since they enjoy the company, again give the BB at least 4 - 7 days to catch up with the bio load then you can add the BN into the tank then sit back and enjoy.

I used this system forever and it's worked out for me with no issues never had any spikes in the water parameters I've also found that it gives the fish time to adjust to their new environment and each other by introducing smaller groups into the tank.
I try not to introduce more then 6 fish at a time depending on size and species my rare exception are neon tetras I'll put 12 at a time in the tank since they tend to do better in larger groups and their bio load is fairly small, rainbow fish or any fish 2" or more I try to only put 3 in at a time.

Thanks for this advice,not my thread but i kinda wanted to.know this as.well when adding fish :)
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