how much light again?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2005
Perth. Western Australia
Hi all...and everyone else.

I just realized that I should probably have more of a routine...actually, lets just say i should have a routine :p with my lighting times.

I just turn them on when I wake up and turn them off when I go to bed, problem is those times vary ALOT! I've tried a light timer...but none of them seem to be able to turn my aquarium lights on...they can turn them off fine tho...*grummbles*

So anyways, I forget how long you should leave your light on and off for...can't seem to find it in the stickys...but I'm a horrible looker (the kind of person that finds it hard to FIND things, not the other :p)

I have 40 watts over 20 gallons, that gives me medium light yeh?
I've also got pressurized Co2....leave it on 24/7
What's the best amount of time I should leave my light on for the best plant growth?
My light has two globes, each 20 watts, so I can turn one on and one off if I like too...

Many thanks
The general rule of thumb is between 8-12 hours.

The fact that your light won't turn on using a timer sounds like a problem with either the ballast or the starter. I know that some of the older fixtures wouldn't work with timers. More details on your light and we might be able to figure out what needs fixing.
What I've done with my lights is stagger when they turn on and off. I have 2 sets of lights, set A is 160 wts from regular household shoplights from walmart /home depot. Set B is 260 wt Coralife. Set A comes on at 9:30am and set B comes on at 10am. Set B turns off at 9:00pm while A turns off at 9:30pm. I think it gives a 'more' realistic 'sunrise' and 'sunset'.

I agree with purrbox, about the starter / ballast issue.
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