How often do you guys/gals......?????

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 16, 2004
Omaha, NE
wipe down the walls in your tank? I have a CAE and a few Oto's but there seems to be this white fluffy stuff that "grows" on the walls in my aquarium and they can't suck it off but it wipes right off with my hand. Not a big deal just wondering if you guys have the same dilemma...If not what the problem might be?
I have a 12 inch common pleco (previously I said he was 9 inches but that was an estimate) in my 55 gallon tank. Either I have been extremely lucky or this pleco does a very good job at keeping all the glass walls clean. In the 2 or 3 years that I have had this tank I have never had a problem with the glass getting dirty on the inside.
My tank seems pretty clean.. algae had a tendency to grow on the back wall of my Goldfish tank, but not on the front so much, and never on the sides. I really do not know why that is. It took me up until a few days ago to notice that it was almost entirely encrusted in algae the same color as the wall behind it (back wall was wood). I bought a pleco and that's almost entirely gone (although we have the happiest pleco ever).'s like cottony clumps swaying back and forth from the glass I'm almost positive it's just "crap" floating around. I am going to get some filter floss or micron pads. Which one should I get? I have another post asking for advice on this...
there have been a few other posts about this stuff and no one seems to know what it is. I cant find ANY information on the web that matches its description. I had this stuff too. It almost looks like teeny tiny fans all over the glasss right? Clearish white? And if you look it will be on your plants too. I just wipe the glass down when I do water changes, and I have been doing water changes twice a week lately and I just looked in there and there doesn't seem to be any now. I dont know what it is, but it doesn't seem to bother anyone but me. :D
Meredith, you are right on the $$$$ It is on plants as well. It's not hurting anything, it's just an eyesore.
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