How to add plants to your tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 30, 2017
So I have a 29-gallon tank. I am really new to tank care. I have blue coated pebbles or gravel for the bottom of the tank and a few decoration. I really want to put in some plants for my tank. I currently have 2 cory catfish and 1 tetra because he dominated the others. So I want plants to give them a hiding place and keep the water conditions in check. However, I've been researching on how to do it. It's getting confusing.

How do I go about adding plants? What do I need? would the gravel I have now be okay?

I want to add plants like Amazon sword, java moss, and green tiger lotus.

could some give me the step by step?
Your light source will have a big impact on plant selection and success. I love low tech plants most of which are not actually planted. They are tied to wood or rock. Easy to rearrange when the mood strikes. IMG_1975.jpg
I just ordered some plants from Han Aquatics online. I told him my budget and he picked out some low tech plants to get started on converting to a planted tank from a plastic plant tank. The plants arrived very nicely. He sent two types of anubias that I attached to driftwood as well as a java fern that I attached to rocks. There were a couple other plants in there as well. I live very close to Lake Michigan so I headed to the beach for driftwood and rocks. I cleaned everything well from the beach including some boiling on the stove. Now time will tell how I did with the "planting" of everything. I would search up low tech or beginning aquarium plants or do what I did and find a reputable aquatic plant dealer near you or on line and ask their advice. I found some very helpful youtube videos on planting the plants and attaching the plants that do not like to be buried in substrate. Good luck!!
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