how to plant Tropica potted plants

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 23, 2005
Ontario, Canada
this may seem like a dumb question, but I just bought 3 potted plants from the LFS. They are tropica potted plants and they came with the roots embedded in this mushy paper like stuff in the pot which I am sure you know what I mean. ANyway, I can't get the plants out of it without breaking the roots, shoul this just be pulled from the pot and platend as is?? TIA
can you cut the plant out of the pot? I usually just give it a good tug to pull it out, i dont worry about the roots, dont even know fish i should, but i just keep in mind that there are more roots within the spongey stuff. The i tear away the spongey stuff carefully.

You can plant it still in the pot if your gravel is deep enough.
the plant has really rooted into the sponge, I was able to get most of it of off 2 of the plants but left the full one on the third plant and came on here for advice.
i cut the plastic pot oiff carefully, then pull most of the sponge material out from around and between the roots. depending on how fine the roots are this can be difficult. i hate that stuff, and would not want it leaving bits of fluff in my tank.
The stuff is called rock wool and should be removed from the plant before placing in your aquarium. Cut the plastic pot off if the rock wool and plant can't be removed easily. Carefully pull off as much of the rock wool as possible. Rinsing under water can help to loosen and remove the rest.
This post may be to late now, but I find with Tropica plants it helps to get the rock wool off a ton if you do it under water. I do it in a shallow plastic tray with tank water. It really helps to seperate the roots from the wool without doing to much damage.
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