How to tell if Texas Cichlid is male or female, at juvinile age?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 7, 2013
I have a juvinile texas cichlid, about 1.5 inch big.
What is the best way to tell if its a male or female?
It could be a green texas or super green texas. (So the store owner says so anyway)

Thank you.
Thanks for the reply.
I will post 2 pics, of when I first got it around 1.5 months ago. It hasn't grown too much since then.

texas 1.jpg
texas 2.jpg

As you can see, its still very much a baby. Probably just under 1.5 inch actually.
Is it possible to tell if its male or female?

That looks like a Herichthys Carpintis (Green Texas common name)
I think you may need to give it a month or 2. If I were to guess I would say female. Looks like there is a black splotch on the dorsal fin but hard to tell.
Here is my male carpintis at about 4"


  • IMAG0234.jpg
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After a closer look im not sure its a Texas at all. Kinda looks like an ebjd. See if any one else comments.
Here is a better pic of mine for you to compare to yours


  • 1Carpintis12162013.jpg
    192 KB · Views: 621
Hi guys.
Thank u for the input so far.

Here is some history with my fish...

The store I bough him/her from had about 20 of them, labelled at super green texas. The owner was bragging about them. I chose the smallest one as I love it when I buy baby fish and watch them grow old with me.
Ive been around to a few other local fish stores at same time of purchase, and the other local fish stores nearby also had the same fish with same colours and size. Still lablled super green texas. So I'm guessing someone in area bred them and sold them all around town.
The fact that all local fish stores still label them as texas, convinces me it is and not a ebjd. Plus mine has mouth worming.

Ill try take a new pic of it if a can sometime soon.
Hoping to guess if its male or female.

Thanks again.
The key here may be Super Green. Im not sure what the difference is between a Super Green Texas and Green Texas. The tail shape on yours looks different than mine also. If HUKIT sees this he will be able to give you a definate answer.
Ok thank u for all your help and photos. Hopefully I will get more answers soon.
Definitely not EBJD it is a green texas. My avatar is EBJD. They are breeding the green texas to have brighter and more blue spangled coloration.

Not a hybrid either. EBJD's come from crossing two Blue Gene Jack Dempsey's. Breeding a single BGJD with anything else will not result in a EB coloration as it is a recessive trait.

It is to young to sex.

BTW Looks really cool with that substrate you have in the first pic.
I would wait a couple months like Rivers2k said then post up pictures again.
its coloration is stronger than any Herichthys Carpintis I have seen unless your lighting has something to do with it. It is a stunning fish that's for sure.
Ok Thanks guys.
I'll wait for it to grow a bit more.

I got rid of every fish I had with it, and just keeping this beauty on its own.
If im still very attached with it in the next few months as it grows, im gonna buy it a new large tank for itself to have.
Super green texas is simply a marketing ploy to try and raise the price of the fish in question. It's a Herichthys carpintis Vontehillo(one collection point of five).
Super green texas is simply a marketing ploy to try and raise the price of the fish in question. It's a Herichthys carpintis Vontehillo(one collection point of five).

HA! I knew you would now the answer!!
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