Hows my tank look? I think its complete.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 22, 2006
Redding, CT
I just bought a case of malasyian driftwood and added it to my tank, and that along with my fish selections, live plants and various rocks seem to make it complete looking.

Can anyone suggest anything else my tank might be lacking? What's your opinion of my decorating?


i love the centre peice of driftwood. nice plant selection. but it is never complete lol trust me. u will find something else that can be added or taken out. it never ends!!
The center piece of driftwoof is actually 3 pieces, working at a pet store/LFS is awesome because i got all 10 pieces (two seperate purchases) for $35.

If it wasn't for that job my tank wouldnt be complete, and if it wasnt for that job i wouldnt have my royal placo either :D
I am debating going fully planted.. i am just freaked out that it will be as time consuming as my reef tank was. Being honest with myself I dont have a whole lot of time to dedicate to my tank. I make sure the water is changed frequently and the gravel is vacuumed but maybe i just dont understand what it would take time wise to go fully planted..

it wont tak alot of additional effort as long as u dont choose plants that need constant trimming. if u stuck to crypt species and swords and other plansts that dont need to be trimmed. heavily planted will not be much work. its when u get into high light CO2 and fert dosing that it rivals the reef tank lol.
Is that sand you got as a substrate? Do you have laterite or anything under there? Root tabs? I have fine play sand in my 20G and looking back I probably should've picked something different. So hows that working out for your plants?
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