Hydra, Good for Anything but annoyance?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 13, 2005
Aberdeen, WA
Well I have a literal forest of them growing in two of my tanks now and they are getting annoying. One of the tanks has Skunk botia loaches (2) and 10 neon tetras, the other tank has snails. I realize it is a sign of good water quality but is there any way to control them so they don't literally cover section fot eh glass with 100's of them? Is there some critter out there that will eat them?

And they are simply an annoyance really because the snails run right over the top of them and I scrape them off without much trouble. They are even growing on the shells of my larger mystery snail and on my trapdoors. I just want them to be useful since I seem to be able to grow them so well.
Well, they are somewhat useful. They eat any leftover tiny bits of food or organic material, then grow/divide rather than leading to greater nitrogen levels.

I'm really not sure how to deal with them though, other than a credit card scraping. I've had blooming populations even in a tank with a common pleco and snail that kept the algae down to zero (and required supplements to their diet).
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