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My Maroon is eating again but I notice that the fins are slightly shredded. I'm no clown expert but I'm sure this is not a good thing. Maybe the separation between him and the anemone caused him to catch ich.
Not exactly sure what you mean by "shredded"... give us a few more details? (and double check your water params too) pictures are always helpful.
I'm not sure if it was there prior to the anemone's removal (The clown was always in it, couldnt see), but the dorsal fin is slightly torn. It's nothing huge but the dorsal fins aren't as smooth looking as the rest of the fins. Will try to get a pic but it'll be hard.
Yeah, torn fins is not a symptom of ich. It can be associated with ich as a secondary infection on a weak and or sick fish. That being said however Keep an eye on him. That you got him eating again is HUGE!!!!! Just keep feeding him and if anything else either happens to him or he does anything wierd we here at AA have your back :)

Is it okay to leave him in the tank without an anemone? I've read that Maroon's almost require an anemone to be healthy. Then again the source might not be reliable. :roll:
Your clownfish should adjust to tank life without an anemone just fine... they don't HAVE to have an anemone... although I wouldn't be surprised if she starts hosting in another one of your corals. We had one that hosted in a hammer coral and later on, a different one that tried to host in our bubble coral.

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