I have a 90 gallom tank that i want to make sure i have the right lighting

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 4, 2013
What lighting would you suggest for a 90 gallon tank with a good old normal light fixture. Also how long should the light be left on?
IMO lights on a FW tank are for watching your fish. Unless you have plants or the room is very dark you should be ok with lights on while your home to enjoy your fish.
i would imagine since you are posting in the planted forum... you have plants?

if so.. what plants? the type of plants you plan on keeping will make a difference in your light requirements.

I also have a 90gal planted.. im running 2 x t5ho 48" life-glo bulbs... 6 hours on/ 18 off
I'm putting together tanks for a 150g biotope, my highest lighting requirements are my semi aquatic and immersed filter plants, under water they require 2-3 watts of light per gallon, my submerged plants are between 1.5-2.5 my mid level Blackwater plants need about 1 and most of my mosses are fine with minimal light exposure. Hope this can help you further your research....
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