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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 9, 2011
... to the green cloudy water!

... Well, my own secret to help my tank get clear.
For months I have asked and tried everything I could to figure out why and how to clear up my algae bloom water.
The secret, for my tank, for about two weeks I kept the lights off all day and night, except when we fed them :) And I sware, it cleared it up! Its almost crystal clear. One water change should do the trick. im so happy just thought I would share. lol.:dance:
Well we had a live plant in there for the longest time. But after so long I think of the water being so disgusting, it just started dying. So we took it out, rinsed it out, and put it into another tank, which no matter HOW long those lights are on, that tank never once gets cloudy. Seems like whatever tank my Platys are in(we've had to switch their tanks once) they turn the water green lol

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