I have no clue what to do first. Hah.

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YOu have probably a penguin Biowheel for a filter. I have used them with good success. the wheels hold the beneficial bacteria. the actual filter is a cartridge that slides in vertically from the top. Most filters can be easily disassembled and cleaned. water only. no soap! where the tube bends and goes into the filter is a piece that pulls out and covers the impeller. pull the impeller out carefully and clean that up too.

The cover will have a cut out for where the water falls back into the tank.

as far as water first or gravel, it is not that critical. if you put the gravel in, just put a saucer down to deflect the water as you pour it in. if you put the water in first, dont fill the tank more than half. if you are thinking about putting live plants in, look around at the substrates that are better for plants. One thought, I use sand and try to get my tanks looking like nature. I got sick of blue gravel and plastic decorations rather quickly.

I got my ammonia from the dollar store as it had no surfuctants as the "better" ammonias in the grocery store all did. surfuctant means soap and soap means fish that cant breathe. fill that tank up, and get that cycle started.

do you have friends with tanks that are up and running? get a handfull of gravel or a used filter cartridge and put it into the tank. the penguin might have a basket in the filter itself that is great for holding a scoop of gravel. it will jumpstart your cycle. you have to remember to feed the tank ammonia, and you may look crazy feeding invisible fish for a few weeks, but you will have a happier tank in the long run.

good luck
the wheels hold the beneficial bacteria. the actual filter is a cartridge that slides in vertically from the top. Most filters can be easily disassembled and cleaned. water only. no soap! where the tube bends and goes into the filter is a piece that pulls out and covers the impeller. pull the impeller out carefully and clean that up too.

Well, isn't algae one of those things that once introduced it sticks and produces spores? So.. if I put something that was all up in algae infested water back into the tank (i'm referring to the cylinder wheel thing..) won't that just.. reintroduce it?

I do not see any filter that fits into anywhere other than the wheel. =/ I'm beginning to think I should just go get a new one to prevent the hassle, haha.

I don't see any tubes or anything in this.. it's just hard plastic.
One thought, I use sand and try to get my tanks looking like nature. I got sick of blue gravel and plastic decorations rather quickly.

I'm not sure if I want to go sand, I was thinking maybe smooth stones in earth tones or something. Pebbles maybe? Idk. I'll probably just cycle and then add stuff to it slowly, it'd be more cost efficient for me haha. I like the idea of live plants but I don't like the idea of fish nibbling them, so. I'm undecided. I was thinking maybe a mix of live and fake. I definitely don't want neon gravel, though. That's what my sister got with her tank and uh.. it's.. way too bright for what I want a fish tank for. :)
I got my ammonia from the dollar store as it had no surfuctants as the "better" ammonias in the grocery store all did.

Good to know, I like things to be an even dollar haha.

do you have friends with tanks that are up and running? get a handfull of gravel or a used filter cartridge and put it into the tank. the penguin might have a basket in the filter itself that is great for holding a scoop of gravel. it will jumpstart your cycle. you have to remember to feed the tank ammonia, and you may look crazy feeding invisible fish for a few weeks, but you will have a happier tank in the long run.

I do have some friends, I've asked one and she said ok but like I said, i don't see anything that could hold gravel back there lol. Can you just like.. put it in the tank?

And yeah, I'll probably read the fishless cycling for dummies a million more times before I actually do it, so by then I should have it 100% down haha. I'm about 50% there. Totally not worried about looking crazy, nobody comes in my room so they'll never know, lol. I'd rather know I did it right than not be prepared and kill my fish. D:

You can also e-mail or call Marineland, if it says visi-therm like you said, they make those, and I am 99% sure they would send you a brand new one! Jackpot!

Sweeet! I will have to see about doing that! :D
I know I'm double-posting, that one got long and I just looked some stuff up.

I looked on marineland website, and it looks like I probably DID have a penguin filter.. at some point.

What I have now is basically a shell of one, with a biowheel. =/ No filter. I have a filter pump (I don't know if it goes to this or not yet), but no actual filter, and no tubing whatsoever. o_O;;

So I guess that explains why her tank failed. Anyhow.

They don't have pictures of their heaters online out of the box, so I can't tell which one I have. =/ I'm going to call and see what I can get done, idk.

ETA: Looks like the heater I've got isn't even on their website anymore.. I'm kinda disgusted?
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Depends on how good a shape the filter shell is, you can still refurbish it. You can get just about any part for the Penguin. If the filter still moves water, it might be worthwhile getting the filter cart. (or just make one with sponge & floss) & maybe the intake attachment.

OTOH - if you need the impeller & half a dozen other parts, it will be cheaper to buy a new one!

You should think of what fish you want ot keep. That will have bearing on what equipment/substrate is best, and how much trouble you will have with plants.
So I finally got around to taking pictures of what I've got to work with, here! Even including the green for you to see, or I tried anyhow.





I'm not sure if you'll be able to see them full-sized or not, so *crosses fingers* :x
Well, I think that's an ancient heater lol. I have never even seen one like that! I would just go get a new one, and possibly a new filter. You can get them from www.drsfostersmith.com for cheaper than you can get them in the pet stores.
The last pic is the bio-wheel we have been talking about though. If you just get a new filter, I would just toss that one and use the new one.
Good luck!
Just e-mail or call them, they have lifetime warranties. They will most likely just send you a brand new one for free.
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