I keep killing shrimp!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 2, 2017
Hey everyone :)
So everyone keeps saying cherry shrimp are really hardy blah blah blah but I bought 10 of them 3 years ago, they all died within a week or two, then the same thing happened a year after that. I didn't acclimate them very slowly or cycle their tanks because I didn't know any better back then, but I wasn't exactly convinced that's the reason why all of them died. There weren't any fish in the tanks so nothing ate or harmed them, and there wasn't any copper source in the tanks. I rarely kill any fish, the last one I remember killing was a clown loach that I got a couple years ago (I bought 4), which was probably sick from the store. So my question is; I have a 6 gallon tank with three juvenile bronze cories, lots of plants and Java moss, and the tank's been running for over a month, so in a week or two, should I get just a few cherries to see if they'll survive or not? I killed the last 2 batches, but I really want shrimp so should I try keeping cherry shrimp for one last time, or do you guys think I'll just kill some more shrimp?
Thanks in advance
CS need a certain kh/gh and tight water parameters, bronze corys get big so you will eventually have to upgrade or rehome. Especially when they school in groups of six minimum.
Yeah I plan to set up a 20 gallon community in the summer, where the cories will go when they get bigger. So should I buy the shrimp?
You need to be heavy on the plants and check your water parms are good for them. I suggest the tank be stable for at least 3 months.
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