I"m a newbie

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 13, 2005
Charleston, SC
I'm Diver, or Matt, if you want to be formal. I've been an aquarist now for just over a year when I was given an Oscar, a Pleco, and 2 white skirt Tetras in a 1 gallon tank. Since then, well, the oscar ate the tetras, but not before I got hooked. I put them in a 20 gallon immediatly. The oscar and pleco have gone from about 3 inches each to over 8 each and are living happily in a 55 gallon tank with a 7 inch Jack Dempsey. I also have a 60 gallon that currently has 14 various tetras and a coule of angels, and will get some Discus added shortly. Eventually we'll also be going with marine (my wife wants to start with the 20 gallon, I want to buy another 55 gallon for salt).

That's about it, I've gotten obsessed, and am like a sponge, willing to absorb any info I can, and share what I've learned. Hope to hear from you guys soon.

aka Diver
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