I need ideas for 75 gal stock

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 25, 2004
Geneva, IL
I'm a newbie on here and have to say, this site has alot of info, however, I still haven't quite found all my answers.

I bought and set up a 75 gal FW tank a week ago and it's been running now for only a few days with an Eheim 2215/2217 filter. It's planted (silk plants) with a 10 inch rock ornament with a few caves and a piece of driftwood. I tested the water with an AP test kit I bought. My water results are as follows:

pH: 7.6 Ammonia: .5 Nitrite(NO2): 0 Nitrate(NO3): 0

Am I fish ready?

I love very colorful fish. I've been visiting pet stores to get ideas, but I'm finding that alot of the fish I like, aren't compatible. For example, I wanted Cichlids with Gouramies. (Call me picky I guess.) I'm sure you all experience this as well.

I don't mind the "popular" fish that are found in most tanks, however, I'd like people that come over and say "WOW, what's that fish?" I don't have room to do 2 tanks. Any ideas???
[center:8c73975cb4] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA. razmataz1971!! :n00b: [/center:8c73975cb4]

I bought and set up a 75 gal FW tank a week ago and it's been running now for only a few days with an Eheim 2215/2217 filter.
What are you using as an ammonia source? The bacteria will not start growing until "fed." You need an ammonia test kit also. You will see a spike of ammonia, followed by a spike of nitrite and then the nitrates should start to rise. A cycled tank that is ready for fish will have ammonia and nitrites at undectable levels and nitrates no higher than 40ppm.
I wanted Cichlids with Gouramies.
You can have your cake and eat it too (but only if you share!). There are hundreds of cichlids; you want docile dwarf cichlids for this tank. There is plenty of room for both. Apistos and rams come to mind first. My peaceful 50 gal community tank has only small fish, including rams and apistos. Check out member's galleries (you can search the galleries) for fish you are interested and then post a list and we can tell you if it will work or not :D
Can you post a pic of your current set up?
Thank you for the warm welcome. I haven't quite figured out how to load pics yet. I uploaded 3 and where they went I haven't a clue.

The Water Testing kit I bought already had an Ammonia tester in it. It's the Aquariam Pharmaceuticals Kit. Refer to the numbers I posted.

I used NitroMax already in the tank. The numbers are straight from tap water before I added the NitroMax and after. I tested last night and again 12 hours later. I am doing another test in a few hours. As far as adding Ammonia, I thought the NitroMax was suppose to remove it along with creating bacteria for the environment. Is there more I need to do?

I'm sooooooo tank/water illiterate.
I'm not sure about this but I think the nitromax is a culture starter. In any event you'll need a source of ammonia to begin the cycle. If your test is correct and you have .5ppm ammonia, you should see that spike to around 3ppm. When you get a nitrite spike as well, and then everything goes to zero, you are ready for fish.

The Water Testing kit I bought already had an Ammonia tester in it. It's the Aquariam Pharmaceuticals Kit. Refer to the numbers I posted.
Sorry, I missed them the first time :oops:

I have never heard of nitromax. If it is a culture starter, it needs to be fed. You can add straight, unsented ammonia (make sure it has no soap) as the ammonia source. Then you will be fishless cycling. It's easy and does not harm fish. This thread will help:
and there are links to other helpful info.

To post a pic, go to Preview and you will see your message, hit the Browse button and attach the pic. The pic must be less than 1024 pixels by 1024 pixels. If the pic is too large, when the page reloads, there will be something telling you it is too large above your post. If the pic takes, nothing will be said and you won't see the pic until you Submit and view your post. It really does work :wink:
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