I need somene knowlegable on the julidochromis species!!!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 15, 2013
New Jersey
Ok so ive had this fish for about six months

I moved it form a 25 into a 10gal last month

As of about last week his coloration has become increasing darker

His bellie is now a dark brown/black and most of his white is gone

He is a male

Is this bad???

The new tank has a darker substrate and theme, is it because of his surroundings???


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First of all, I wouldn't recommend keeping it in a 10. And yes, the can change due to the surrounds and also things like stress (which could be cuz he is in a 10). It also could change due to it become older and reaching it's "true" colors. I don't know much about this cichlid so I can't speculate, but yup.
I had one in a much larger tank. 72 gallon. That was like 3 inches and it always stayed same color. 10 gal is really too small. Is it the only fish in there?
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