I think I have over stocked

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 13, 2014
I have 3 true percs 2 damsels one lemon dwarf and to (plenys that I inherited they are starry plenys) at 3 inchs all in a 65 gal with a20 gal sump forgot to mention my 2 mandarins always hiding I want to add fish was thinking the plenys need to go I have 45 with some hermits in it can't think what to put in it I know black clowns is a must my main concern is can I add fish if not can I after I get red of damsels and plenys if the answer is yes I need colorfully fish that will stay small I have a good skimmer and 405 fluvall filter

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How long has the tank been cycling for ?

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Sorry yes if anything is a problem or to big take it back to your local shop and you may get a some shop/store credit then replace with the things you like or that you can have on reef tank ... Flame angel or coral beauty there nice .. Cardinals good shoal fish ... Wrasse etc etc

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How long has the tank been cycling for ?

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About 2 months most of the rocks came from my 45 which I had for about a year

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IMO that is way to soon for mandarins. Just curious, are you feeding pods?
Yes my tank is full of them

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No I would say your ok plenty of good live rock but the mandarins don't like to compete for there food so would agree to either fish them out or at very least keep a close eye out for them .. Otherwise just keep doing ammonia tests and keep dosing with some bacteria you should be ok .. But as with anything to do with nature you can never be sure ... Keep a close look

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No I would say your ok plenty of good live rock but the mandarins don't like to compete for there food so would agree to either fish them out or at very least keep a close eye out for them .. Otherwise just keep doing ammonia tests and keep dosing with some bacteria you should be ok .. But as with anything to do with nature you can never be sure ... Keep a close look

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No, they are not "ok".
Mandarins continuously eat pods throughout the entire day. They eat thousands because they have very little nutritional value. So, it's important to have a well established culture, (1 year + of adding and letting them breed in a refugium), or they will demolish the food supply in a matter of days, especially with two.

It's not that mandarins do not like to compete for their food, it's that many fish that also eat pods (wrasses, butterflies, etc.) are superior in speed to the mandarins, and they will have less food, and their survival rate will be much smaller.

Dosing with bacteria is completely unnecessary, if you did cycled the tank properly, (using the soft or hard method). Dosing bacteria will also do little good, as many of the "Bacteria in a bottle" products are useless, or will do little good in this scenario.

My suggestion would be to return the fish, and try again when you are providing the most suitable habitat possible for the creature. :) It's definitely possible, and you can do it you must just research how.
I might the thing is I bought with my 45 gal with the mands and I moved the whole thing with some water and rocks sand etc with it and the guy had em for some time .I moved them to my other tank and I add pods every week about 500 .my 45 is coral only now but u can see a ton of pods on the glass and every where and m trying to raise the pods there and just take a few gal in the future every week and just add it to the other one ... And catching them without taking the whole tank apart is tough any ideas

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Is there any way of fishing them out without taking the tank apart there is a lot of hiding places ?????

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It shouldnt be that difficult to get 2 fish outta a 65g. You will have to remove a good portion of the rock though. I usually get a rubbermaid tub and fill it half way with water and just move the rock in there for a few minutes. Once the majority of the rock is out it should be relatively easy to catch em. lol If I can fish guys outta a 6 foot tank then you can do it too. :)

This also would be a good time to do a thorough cleaning while the rock is out and the water level is lower. You will be able to get at coralline algae or other algae that is further down the glass since it will be half empty once the rock is out.
This is probably for the best, returning the fish for a store credit. I had a mandarin for a few years and it was very very difficult and time consuming to get him eating and to keep him fat. Luckily i was able to train him on frozen food and a few years after getting him he was eating pellets. But that is not the NORM. My water was always one step away from being unaceptable due to all the feedings the mandarin required.
Good luck.
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