I think I need to euthanize my Danio.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 28, 2004
Lebanon, IN
He has big sores on his body that aren't healing. I thought he may have furnunculosis and treated him with Tank Buddies Fungus Clear, but it's not helping. He hasn't eaten in days and he appears to be gasping. His stomach is bulging out and he's swimming with clamped fins and just appears to be in misery. I can't take seeing him like this. I'm worried that he may have tuberculosis.

Any ideas? If I need to euthanize him, what is the best way? I've read something about putting him in the freezer and letting him freeze to death. That just seems cruel, but I would like to do a fishy autopsy if I need to put him under.


Michelle :(
That is always a hard decision to make. You can euthanize using clove oil I believe, but I am not exactly sure how. I have used the freezing method, (I don't feel good about it, but to me its better to do that than to watch them swim around for hours in obvious pain or misery) I put the fish in a shallow bowl with water, put it in the freezer and walk away for 5 or 10 minutes. I don't know how long it takes for sure because I don't watch. Good luck to you what ever you decide.
i just wanted to thank you for using the word euthanize. just great. im starting a eugenics club at my school. :lol: anyways. ive heard that the freexing method works better if the water is already near freezing
Sorry to hear this, Danio35. I used a combo of clove oil and freezing the last time I had to euthanize a fish. Put the fish in a small ziploc container or something similar with some tank water. Then add a few drops of clove oil to the container and stir it in a bit with your finger. At first you will notice the fish swim around a bit, but then it will slow down and eventually you will be able to tell that it is not conscious. Take the containter and put it right in the freezer...the cold just slows down the fish's metabolism until it stops. This method is the one I use because the fish doesn't feel anything in the freezer because it is already asleep.

Good luck and I HTH...

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