I was thinking og switching to a canister filter, need help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 23, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I was thinking of switching to a canister filter but really have no idea which one is best or much about them. I currently have a HOB Penguin 200 which is working well. I have read that the canister filters are better and easier to maintain. so here are a few things I need to know:

1. Which one should I get?
2. what maintenance do they require?
3. What do I need to buy with it? or does it come with everything needed?
4. Anything else I should know?
Fluvals. Renas and Eheims are all excellent. I have a Fluval and an Eheim.

You will need to open it up and rinse the pads etc. I do mine every two months or so.

Depends, both of mine came with enough media to fill it up. You may need to buy the bio-media. I have never replaced a sponge since I bought the filters several years ago.
I suggest a Rena XP2, if its for your 29g. I just got an XP3 and its great...very quiet. It can with everything except biological media, so I just bought the bio-stars. You can get those or the ceramic rings and they pretty much last forever. They hold on to the bacteria.

I've heard you only have to do maintenance monthly-2 months. I'd just rinse the sponges in old tank water and that's all. I haven't had mine long enough to do maintenance though.

I followed the instructions on setting it up and it was pretty easy.

It provides good surface agitation and is quiet, unlike my AquaClear HOB.
I like my cascade 700 ( up to 75 gallons ) its easy to maintian and setup, looks nice, quite

I clean it every couple weeks, its simple unless you put ball valves on the lines, other wise the water draining is a mess, it'll also drain your tank if a hose comes off, so hose clamps are a must. I would buy a couple packs or purigen, it takes care of everything, and some ceramic cylinders, maybe even some sorta phosphate buster if you have high phosphates
I have both the XP2 and the XP3 and love them both. So easy to maintain. Just unplug, pop the top off, take the cannister to the sink. I take out all the baskets, and then rinse the sponges in the tank water that's in the cannister, as well as the bloss and micropads. Then I empty the cannister into the sink and rinse it out. I place the baskets back in, put the top back on, and when you push the handle back down, it refills automatically. Once it's full, plug it back in and you are set. I do mine about every other month as well.
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