Ich or not?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 1, 2017
We have had our tank now for About 2 years with the same fish and just replaced a neon tetra. About a week after adding him he died unexpectedly. About a week later our beautiful angel died with no unusual outer signs other than she all the sudden started swimming from the top of the tank to the bottom more listless ly and more like being carried from the current. I just noticed our golden guorami has a white dot on his fin so we added ich guard. However i noticed after that that our what i think is a golden barb. ( we got given the fish when someone moved) had red spots behind his fin. Now after adding the ich guard he has a open wound on his back in front of his dorsal fin. There is some white around the edges but i can't tell if it's just torn flesh. Hope the picture isn't to blurry. We did a partial water change and added some melafix to try to help the wound as we were worried it might have been from the ich guard as it showed up shortly after treatment. We have now turned the temp up to 86 and added 1tsp to every gallon of water to try to naturally take care of ich how we read on other sites. Does this sound like the right course of action? I can't see any white other than what is pictured on the gourami fin so I'm not totally convinced its ich but didn't know anything else. Im at a total loss on what's wrong with the golden barb. Please help our kids love the fish
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