Ick heat treatment ok for cories?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 12, 2004
I just noticed what looks like a couple ick spots on my green tiger barb. She is in a 10 gallon with 3 small bronze cories. I do not see any spots on the cories. If there are no spots on the cories, does that mean they are not affected yet? Could I move them to another tank without infecting it?

The 10 gal was the QT tank. I put the barb in cuz she was constantly getting picked on in the larger tank. I just added the cories about 1 week ago.

I don't have meds and can't get any. I want to raise the temp and add some salt but, worry about the cories. I will also add an airstone.

If anyone can give me advice, especially about moving the cories, I would REALLY appreciate it!

It's hard to say if the cories have ich or not - it could just be dorman in them for now. I would slowely raise the temp (no more than 2 degrees a day) to 82-85 degrees.

As far as salt goes...cories really don't like salt...however, IME, I have found that if you 1/3 the dose of 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons - and do that no more than 2x a week while they are sick, the cories should be fine. Still, keep a close eye on them if you decide to go this route. I personally have never had any problems using this method with any species of my cories.
Thanks, Lori!
I will do the heat treatment. I have also used smaller doses of salt in my larger tanks with cories with no ill effects. I may just add a pinch to the 10 and keep an eye on them, like you said.

I also have a sand substrate in there. Does that make a difference when trying to get rid of the ick?

After 2 years of keeping fish, this is my first case of ick. Luckily it wasn't in the 55!!!

Thanks again,
As far as I know, the sand doesn't make a difference in ridding ich.

Ich is a pain in the behind, but it is easy to cure thank goodness.
You should have no problems with the sand substrate, just make sure you keep treatment up for two weeks after the last ich spot is gone.
O.K. We're all set! Just did a water change, added a pinch of salt, flour, eggs.....OOPS! Wrong recipe! :mrgreen: And an airstone.

Now we just keep an eye on things. Luckily, the tank is on my 'puter desk!

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