ICK Question???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 23, 2004
Ok here is the deal. My friend has been running his tank for maybe a couple months now. He bought a couple of new fish, oh I would said a week ago. Well now ICK poping up on the fish speically the new ones. Which I told him he probably got it from the lfs where he bought them from.

Well tomarrow we are probably going to start the process of getting ride of them, with the salt and heat method. Cause it worked for me, when I had my small out break of ICK. What I am wondering on, he owns a drawf frog, the ones that can be totaly submeragable. Well is aquarium salt ok for it? Would 86F be ok for the frog also?

Thanks for any of your help!
Keep in mind, the salt you are adding will only change the salinity a slight bit--enough to disrupt the osmolarity of the ich parasite, but not the fish or frog.
Well thank you guys for answering my question, I told him to keep an eye on the frog and any other fish that might act a little funny.
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