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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2005
Los Angeles
I have a small spot on a loach or two. I have plants and my shrimp are carring babies, what method may I use that will be safe for my shrimp and plants. high temps kill my shrimp, maybe low dosing of medication directly into my tank?
medications may harm your shrimp and plants as well. Your shrimp can't tolerate the higher temps? What about moving the shrimp to another tank while treating the main tank?
thats possible, but it sure will take me a while to catch them if possible do to the amount of plants and shrimp I have
I have never used ich meds with inverts so I can't tell you if the shrimp will survive the medication. Also ich meds work only on ich when in the free swimming stage so even meds might not be effective. I wish you the best of luck, I'd probably try catching the shrimp if it were me and transferring them to another tank. Hopefully someone who may have tried meds with shrimp will chime in. Good luck.

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