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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 22, 2011
Its hard top see but these look like snail eggs any suggestions (pond snails)
Could be. The few times my snails produced eggs they did so on the glass above the water line. It looks similar, and it depends on the type of snail they are. Some need to be above the water or they will die and some below. What type of snail do you have?

PS Just looked at the pictures of the tank and love it! I am planning my 55g right now and I love all the green in your tank contrasted with the bright gravel. It's really imaginitive. I can't wait to see what you come up with for the 500g.
I have pond snails in my 5G, and I almost never see the eggs. They usually lay the eggs on plant leaves, and they're TINY. i guess if you don't have any plants in the tank they'd lay them on the glass, but mine never do.
Had a friend over yesterday to help me build and design my stand for my 500g and he confirmed they are pond snail eggs
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