ID please

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 7, 2011
Picking up this guy along with other cichlids tomorrow.
Any idea what it is?


  • image-1776529424.jpg
    120 KB · Views: 84
They actually get quite big, I saw one in a LFS a few days ago that was easily 5-6". I don't know their temperament but they are easily big enough (or grow to be, anyway) to not be snack food for medium sized cichlids.
jetajockey said:
They actually get quite big, I saw one in a LFS a few days ago that was easily 5-6". I don't know their temperament but they are easily big enough (or grow to be, anyway) to not be snack food for medium sized cichlids.

Yeah I just read that they get to a reasonable size but we all know Cichlids can be relentless when they get their teeth into another fish so to speak.The gudgeon will need to be an active swimmer to survive me thinks.
The others are convicts, red tail shark and a syno cat. Not a good mix I know, but I think the guy just want to get rid of them.

I'll try to rehome them.
Thanks for the ID.
People here really have great knowledge.
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