ID pls ??

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 29, 2011
Name of this type of fish?

I thought it was a flying fox ?


  • image-3175593958.jpg
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Another pic


  • image-4125938972.jpg
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Pencilfish. Nannostomus eques possibly?
Ohh thanks yeah that's the one I think

At the store it said flying fox in the glass lol then I looked online and that wasn't it.
did you get it at Petco? i bought a fish that looked like that at petco and it was labeled flying fox as well
No, but I got it at petsupermarket it's kinda the same as petco. The guy even told me that was a flying fox lol

They are all confused.. Well te fish it's kinda weird just how I like them :) so its good and for $5
Yeah it's the Harrison's pencilfish I checked online ;)

Thanks :)
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