Ideas for a light timer

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 7, 2011
I need to purchase a light timer. So many to choose from i'm not sure what one to get. Any ideas on a good light timer?
chevy_guy2002 said:
I need to purchase a light timer. So many to choose from i'm not sure what one to get. Any ideas on a good light timer?

I use the $4 brinks timers from Walmart
Coral life power will control MH,T-5,and led moon light all great on my coral life aqualight pro.about $50 at LFS
I also use the walmart $5 timers on most all of my tanks. Easy to use and cheap. I had trouble with the coralife timer, just couldnt figure out how to get the blues to come on and then the whites an hour later....Might have just been me though LOL
Light timers

I was just reading through the instructions for the coralife timers yesterday. I have them on all my tanks.. It seems that the manual timer can be set up for lights and/or pumps for circulation, but the digital cannot. The explanation of how is pretty simple for the manual. Its just and alternating up and down with the tabs on the timer setup. Good luck!:flowers:
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