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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 15, 2004
new brunswick
I've been treating my 30 gallon with API general cure for internal parasites/worms. It's been well over a week now of treatments and I'm not seeing a huge difference. I see some improvement, my fish will come out of hiding after treatment or when the tank is dark but through the day generally they are hiding and still refusing to eat. 1 of my neons is eating now when he wasn't, but over all things are not as good as I'd hoped at this point.

I've spent over 40 bucks on meds at this point and am really not sure if I should keep on this road of treatment but not sure where else to turn.

It's a 30 gallon with a few live plants(amazon sword and java fern wedilov) and DW and fake plants.. Just 1 med sized angel and 2 neons remain. My symptoms are hiding, refusing to eat and white stringy poop from the angel. 1 of the neons is breathing rapidly and has been for over a week. The second neons seems mostly fine. He's eating and swimming about, though I think it's obviously feeling stress from being practically alone with the recent deaths of it's school.

With the meds it's a treatment, wait 24 hours do a 25% WC and treat again. I've been repeating this process and see a bit of improvement in the 12 hours after treating but then it just sort of flops back. I do not want to keep pumping my tank full of meds if it isn't helping but am not sure what else I can/should do. This is so far the only parasite/worm med I've been able to locate as well.

Anyone have any thoughts or ideas? I'm thinking about setting up my 20 and moving them to it as a hospital tank. This would save me a bit of money on meds treating a smaller volume and then maybe doing a good clean on the 30 though not sure if this is really going to help at all. I'm really just grasping at straws at this point and hubby thinks I'm nuts for spending t so much on meds to heal fish that are worth about a quarter of what I've spent thus far.
The only other medication I use besides General Cure is Clout by Mardel, you'll have to order through Amazon since you won't find it locally. It's a harsh treatment that I use when all other treatments fail and to be honest it's never let me down, 100% success rate over the years. The only downside is stains the silicone blue so I'd use a QT tank that you don't care about.

I'm conjunction to Clout I also dose Epsom salts heavily at around 1.5-2 tablespoons per 5 gallons, as this will aid in relieving some pressure in the digestive track.

The last course of action without medications is to force feed epsom salt solution directly into the fishes gut, you'll have to do this by hand with liquid dropper.
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