Im gonna be a father and Im worried !

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 27, 2006
My pair of Peppermint shrimp ovbviousley appreciate my tank as they have been getting busy!

The larger of the pair is carrying round a huge clutch of eggs on her underside. I understand that in a while they will be released into the tank but dont really know what to expect as I am quite new to the hobby.

The tank is relativley new and has a very low population. When the young are released, can I expect a feeding frenzy from my clowns? Will I need to add something to my filter intakes/media? Will my water quality be affected?

Is this so commen that I sound lame being all excited as I am?

Any help would be appreciated as usual.
Yes, it is a very common thing, and no, you don't sound lame at all.
I think everyone here gets excited everytime they see something new in their tanks. :D

Unfortunately it's impossible to raise baby shrimp in a normal tank setup.
They are extremely fragile, extremely difficult to feed, and extremely delicious to everything else in your tank. lol
Your clowns will certainly appreciate the snack.
If you're lucky you'll be able to witness them hatching, but don't expect too much after that.

In order to raise peppermint shrimp larvae you'd need a special setup seperate from your regular tank with lots of freshly-hatched brine shrimp larvae to keep them fed.
It can be done, but it's a lot of work.
Here's a great article I found over at Advanced Aquarist when my shrimp got pregnant:

Good luck! :wink:

Im still chuffed at the thought even if it is a common occurence :)
My peppermint shrimp had an egg clutch once too, and I was waaaaay excited. But then realized that they may not even be fertile, and if they were there was a very slim to none chance that the babies would make it. Mine had many more egg clutches after that...and none of them made it.

I agree that most likely they will be a juicy snack for one of your tankmates.
loyalrogue said:
Snotman said:
Im still chuffed
I only hear that when my mom visits from the UK. :wink:

I'd be chuffed too.
It means you've got some happy shrimp there.
Let us know how it goes if you decide to try and raise them.

ah...I do forget this is an American forum! Will have to stop the English-isms then :D That said I am a Defensive Tackle for Shropshire Revolution (American Football team) so do have my US-isms too.

I do not intend trying to raise them. After reading the suggested article above, I firmly agree that free live food is a bonus! That level of husbandry is a bit beyond me just yet.
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