Information on guppies

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 21, 2011
I have been keeping guppies for the past 10 months and I am having a number of them dying. I regularly change the water % but they still seem to be dying can anyone provide some advice.
Hi, and welcome. This is the wrong forum for this question so a Moderator will probably move it to the correct forum. In the meantime can you tell me more information on the tank?

--what size tank?
--how many guppies do you have in the tank?
--have you tested the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?
--What do you feed and how often?
--What is your water change schedule (how much and how often)?
It's a 60gl tank with 7 guppies in one of which is male. I change the water weekly and change around 20% of the water. I have not checked the ph as I'm not sure as to what is a good level for guppies
20% weekly is not much of a water change, you should up it to 50%.

What are you readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, as asked above.
Moved to FW and Brackish- Unhealthy Fish.

Do you have anything else in the tank with the 7 guppies? A 20% water change is more than sufficient if your bioload is that small in a 60 gallon tank.
Just doing water changes is not enough to keep fish alive. You have to feed them too. :lol::hide: Just joking.

Are you on well or city water and do you use a water conditioner/dechlorinator? Which one?

Do you see little white specks on them?
Does their poo look normal or do they have long stringy white poo?
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