inherited mystery fish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 15, 2004
now this might be stupid but here goes...

i work at a pet store, and a customer (without warning!!) brought up to me several salt water fish for adoption, since he had taken down his tank. we normally dont do this, since we dont add foreign fish to our systems unless they are from dealers. i found homes for most of them, but i couldnt let the poor things just sit there at the end of the night, so i took them home with me. one is an ocellaris, but the other is the mystery.

when i took it home i first thought it was a sunrise dottyback. i looked it up in a refrence book to make sure it's diet would be met in my tank, and the picture looked nothing like the specimine i had. this fish is about three inches long, with a dottyback-esque body (long, thin) it's top fin stretches the lenght of it's body, giving it a feathery appearance. when it swimms, it sways side to side and the posterior part of it's body droops a little. its head is blue, and the blue stretches along it's back and encompasses most of its tail. its belly and sides are a vibrant orange. i feel terrible asking this without even being able to post a picture of the fish. could it perhaps be some sort of wrasse? i have no idea.

any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
A picture would help out alot. It's hard to ID from a description. Post a pic and I am sure someone wil be able to ID the feller for you.

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