Initial algae bloom?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 6, 2012
Alexandria, LA
How long does the algae and diatom bloom usually last when setting up a tank?

The tank has been cycling for about 3 weeks.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: .25
Nitrate: 0
Are you doing a fish in or fishless cycle? If your cycling you need an ammonia source to feed the growing bacteria.

But to answer your question diatoms are self limiting and will eventually go away on their own once the excess silicates are used up in your water. If your doing a fishless cycle keep your lights off and if you are doing fish in only leave lights on a max of 6 hours and you'll have less diatoms. How long you'll have them is determined by how much silicates are in your water.

I'm not sure what you mean by "algae" bloom. An algae bloom is green water. Is that what your talking about or is it something else?
Are you doing a fish in or fishless cycle? If your cycling you need an ammonia source to feed the growing bacteria.

But to answer your question diatoms are self limiting and will eventually go away on their own once the excess silicates are used up in your water. If your doing a fishless cycle keep your lights off and if you are doing fish in only leave lights on a max of 6 hours and you'll have less diatoms. How long you'll have them is determined by how much silicates are in your water.

I'm not sure what you mean by "algae" bloom. An algae bloom is green water. Is that what your talking about or is it something else?

Well I have little bit of diatoms on my hard scape, but I have green algae on the walls of the aquarium too. I am doing fish in cycling.
If your having green algae on the glass it's not uncommon to also have green dust algae in the beginning, same as diatoms. And like diatoms, green dust algae is self limiting and will eventually just run it's course. Just keep lighting down to 6 hours daily so less of both algae can form.
If your having green algae on the glass it's not uncommon to also have green dust algae in the beginning, same as diatoms. And like diatoms, green dust algae is self limiting and will eventually just run it's course. Just keep lighting down to 6 hours daily so less of both algae can form.

Ok thank you. One more thing, should I continue to dose comprehensive or should I wait until the algae subsides?
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