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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 3, 2008

I am familiar with the hobby. I have been in Germany for the past 19 years and just now returned to the USA. I have had 2 very nice aquariums in Germany and am now getting started on one here. I have a 55 gal. tank with 2 30/60 waterfall filters. Now, the hobby is quite different here then what I am used too. There is a greater variety in Europe than where I am living now. I have many questions about what type of filter to use and what type of sediment. I hope all my fears will be tamed here in this wonderful forum

Ugh, the first 2 posts (avatars) we play this year (steelers fan here)...
Oh wait.
Welcome to the site!
Where in Germany did you live?
First of all thanks for all the warm welcomes!!

I am happy to be back home!! I lived in Ulm, that is between Munich and Stuttgart. Ulm is the home of the highest church tower in the world.

My dad was in the Army so I lived in Berlin (twice), Baumholder (twice), Garmisch and Kitzingen. I love it over there.
Ugh, the first 2 posts (avatars) we play this year (steelers fan here)...
Oh wait.
Welcome to the site!
Where in Germany did you live?

HAHHAHA!! You sound as if you are worried.
My dad was in the Army so I lived in Berlin (twice), Baumholder (twice), Garmisch and Kitzingen. I love it over there.

yeah those were the good old days when those bases were still open, now it has gotten really bad. I am glad to be home.
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