is 170 gph ph too much for a ten gallon tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 17, 2006
i have a 170 gph powerhead, do you think this is too much for my ten gallon tank?
That sounds like it would be okay. I believe, for reef, you want about 20x (correct me if I am wrong). I would say, as long as sand is not blowing all over the place you are good.
Hara said:
If you ran it to a spray bar you would definitely be alright.

what is a spray bar? the ph has a scoop shaped ventilator on the nozzle where water is emitted, is that a spray bar?
spray bar basically takes the flow form the ph and spreads it out in a foot long line or longer providing even flow across a large distance.
i tried to put the 170 gph powerhead in the tank earlier and it just blew sand all over the place, maybe i will make a spray bar and see if it helps.
there are some avaiable for purchase, another option though would be to take a airline hose of the right diameter to seal on the end of your power head, and run it along back of the tank, then poke holes in it pointing upwards you could possible do this on the front side of the tank for the inlet, or vice versa, and make a complete circular flow i the tank powered by one power head
I make my spraybar's out of pvc. for smaller tanks I just drill holes, in my large tanks I use T fittings for each of the outlets and angle them differently from each other.
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