is aphrodite pregnant?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 9, 2015
P.E.I , Canada
hi i purchased a black molly at a local pet shop 11 days ago (aphrodite) i assumed she was pregnant seeing as she did not have silver spots in her showing that she is still young and she was mixed in with other females and other males, however she has shown no changes since. is it possible she isnt pregnant? does she look pregnant? if she is what are some warning signs she may give off before she gives birth.
sorry thought the photo attached when it actually did not


  • aphrodite.jpg
    14.2 KB · Views: 44
It's impossible to tell by that picture due to the warping of the picture by the container.

What size tank is she in?
She is in a 32 gallon tank normally, i just put her in a mason jar i use for water changes in my smaller tank to try and get a picture of her, its difficult to get pics of her in her normal tank because she likes to hide in the back corners, i will turn the tank light back on for a few minutes and try and get a better pic of her now
What are your plans for her is the most important question. Do you want to raise fry if she IS pregnant? If yes, then watch her carefully. When she gets abnormally large in the belly area, put her in a separate tank until she gives birth. Then put her back in the 36g tank. If you don't want babies, just let her do whatever and the other fish will eat the babies

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Right before birth the belly goes from being really big and round to more boxy and rectangular. And she will eat less, hide more and gasp a lot.

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I would like to save a atleast a few and raise them. Thanks ill be sure to keep an eye on her belly. I have been watchig her carfully and she doesnt realy eat alot as it is she is really shy so she hides alot and than eats food off the bottom later, her belly doesnt seem to be changing size though

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