Is it normal for tap water to have ammonia in it?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 12, 2014
Out of curiosity I tested my tap water and it came out 0.25ppm for ammonia is this normal. The tube on the right is my tank water the one on your left is tap water. How comes my Tank water reads 0 but the tap water I use to put in the tank reads 0.25ppm. 1420059766480.jpg

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Yes it is possible your tap has ammonia in it. The tank doesn't because you use conditioner which neutralizes it.

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In 2012 the water out of the tap had 1.0 ppm ammonia and 5 ppm nitrate. I never really registered any ammonia in the tank because I kept the WCs low (<25%) and the filtration had the capacity to handle it.
Once I had a small nitrite spike but that was the day after doing a bigger than normal WC (75%). At the beginning of 2013 the ammonia and nitrate levels dropped to zero in the tap.

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