Is it normal for this green algae growing on my rock

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 18, 2014
The tank is been going about 3 months The Rock was dried live rock is this normal ?

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2 T 5's 10k and and a atinic led

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Can you tell us more about the tank? Algae needs several things to grow, one of which is nitrates/phosphates which comes from food/poop. Check out the articles in my signature and it should help you out with what you are seeing.
your tank is new it will go through many changes
this is one of them use a turkey baster blowing off your rocks as you do your water changes
your tank is still full of silicates and it takes time to get them under control so things like this will happen it's a normal phase
you will see brown cayno on sand bed also ,suck it out during water changes try not to remove a lot of your sand bed
this is all a part of a new tank , it all looks nasty but over time it will go away we all have been through these phases your not alone
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